Before filing a trademark application in Laos, it is advisable to conduct a search based on the trademark database of the Department of Intellectual Property of Laos (DIP) to determine the registrability of a proposed mark. Conducting a pre-filing trademark search is highly recommended for several reasons:
You can conduct a trademark search based on the online trademark database or you may request the Department of Intellectual Property of Laos for conducting an official trademark search.
The Department of Intellectual Property of Laos does not have an online trademark database that is publicly accessible for conducting trademark searches. However, the trademark database of Laos and many other countries have been included in the WIPO’s platform (WIPO Monitor). You can conduct an availablity trademark search at the following websites:
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a trademark search in Laos using the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Monitor platform:
Please see a screenshot when you would like to conduct a trademark search for “AMWAY” in Class 03 in Laos as an example below:
Critical notes:
You may request the Department of Intellectual Property of Laos (DIP) for conducting an official trademark search. DIP is responsible for maintaining the trademark register in Laos.
Involved costs: It may cost over USD 100.
Timeline: An official trademark search may be available within 15-20 working days and
When DIP receives a trademark search request, an examiner will be appointed/assigned to conduct an official trademark search to determine the availability of the proposed trademark. The following is a general overview of the steps an examiner may take to conduct a trademark search:
Below is an official trademark search issued by DIP for your reference.
DIP’s official trademark search report is generally considered a reliable source of information about the availability of the proposed trademarks subject to the search in Laos. The search report is based on a comprehensive review of the trademark register and other relevant sources of information, and it is produced by trained examiners who are knowledgeable about trademark law and practice in the country.
However, it is important to note that DIP trademark search report should be deemed only a preliminary assessment of the availability of a trademark and it is not a guarantee that the proposed trademark will be approved for registration. The following notes should be taken into account:
In conclusion, the official trademark search report issued by DIP can be a useful tool for evaluating the availability of a proposed trademark, but it should not be totally relied upon as the sole source of information.
By QUAN, Nguyen Vu