Industrial Design Search


Industrial design search is the first thing to do in the process of registering industrial designs. This action will help individuals and organizations reduce the cost when filing an application, limit the possibility of rejection to grant a Design Patent or amendment of the application. Industrial design search is not a compulsory procedure in the registration process of an industrial design, but the examination of the possibility of registration before filing an application is an important step in assessing the patentability of an industrial design.


A search of existing industrial designs may be conducted prior to filing an industrial design application through the online industrial design database on the website of or owned by the  Lao Department of Intellectual Property  (DIP).


Although the DIP makes this database available online, they will not help you comprehensively determine whether your design is registrable in advance of filing an application because this database is normally not up to date. As such, you may consider entrusting our, an IP agent licensed to practice before the DIP to determine if your design is registrable before filing an industrial design application.


Our experienced trademark attorney will conduct searches and e-mail clients the result as well as professional analysis within 3-5 working days, depending on number of requested designs or the urgency of the request.