Trademark Search
KENFOX has a pre-filing trademark search team which, at client's request, can product full trademark searches on the database of the IP Vietnam to identify whether there are any registered or pending trademarks similar to the choosen ones of client. Trademark rights are acquired on a first come first served basis. Because of this, it is economically and legally important to conduct trademark search to even assess the ricks of infringing someone else's rights.
We advise you on where and what to search, arrange for searches to be conducted and provide commercial and practical advice and analysis on the result of the search.
Our experienced trademark attorney will conduct searches and e-mail clients the result as well as professional analysis within 02-03 working days, depending on number of requested trademarks or the urgency of the request.
To enable us to proceed with a trademark search, the following information and documents are required to provide us:
(i) A clear specimen of the mark, and
(ii) The list of goods/services and the corresponding international class, if known.